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We have 96 quote authors that use or used to be Public Servants

Dee Dee Myers; James Forrestal; Mario Monti; Donald Evans; Li Peng; Michael Scheuer; Preet Bharara; Alexis Herman; Cofer Black; Gary Bauer; Donna Shalala; Bainbridge Colby; Margaret Spellings; Robert Gibbs; Shirley Hufstedler; William Eardley IV; Richard V Allen; Edward Levi; Robert Mueller; Leon Panetta; Michael Chertoff; Richard Perle; Douglas Feith; Scott Ritter; John O Brennan; William Hedgcock Webster; Markus Wolf; John Pistole; George Tenet; Frank Knox; J Edgar Hoover; David Plouffe; Lakhdar Brahimi; Clara Barton; Mike McCurry; John Foster Dulles; Richard Holbrooke; Robert Cecil; Jim Garrison; Reed Hundt; Bruce Jackson; David Frum; Arne Duncan; Arthur Levitt; Samuel Wilson; Pauline Neville-Jones; John Poindexter; Cordell Hull; Robert McFarlane; Robert McNamara; Daryl Gates; John Ashcroft; Brent Scowcroft; Paul Wolfowitz; David Axelrod; James H Boren; Otto Schily; Laurent Lamothe; William E Simon; Janet Reno; Alexander Haig; Timothy Geithner; Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Jacob Lew; Joe Arpaio; John Philpot Curran; Eric Holder; William Cavendish; Peter Stuyvesant; Gale Norton; Robert Bork; Elizabeth Warren; Alberto Gonzales; Dorothy Denning; Charles Trevelyan; Alphonso Jackson; Jay Carney; John Colville; Charles Wilson; Donald Berwick; Edith Cavell; Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf; Hamilton Jordan; Larry Speakes; Pierre Salinger; Aly Khan; Hans Frank; Jose A Rodriguez Jr; Andrew Thomas; Pam Bondi; Karen Mills; C Everett Koop; Ari Fleischer; Margaret Chan; Ann Veneman; Toshihiko Fukui;